RTO exhaust combustion system

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RTO exhaust combustion system

Product Introduction

1、 Introduction to RTO exhaust combustion system:The Regenerative Thermal Oxidiz

product type:combustion system
Release time:2024-11-01
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Detailed IntroductionMESSAGE

1、 Introduction to RTO exhaust combustion system:

The Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer (RTO) exhaust gas combustion system is an efficient exhaust gas purification equipment used to control and treat organic volatile pollutants (VOCs) in industrial waste gas. It adopts the principle of regenerative combustion, which thoroughly oxidizes and decomposes VOCs containing exhaust gas into non-toxic and harmless substances such as carbon dioxide and water at high temperatures (750-1000 ℃). At the same time, multiple sets of ceramic thermal storage bodies are used to recover the heat in the high-temperature exhaust gas, transferring the heat to the incoming fresh exhaust gas, thereby greatly improving thermal efficiency and saving a lot of auxiliary fuel. The RTO system not only has ultra-high VOCs removal efficiency (usually>99%) and good environmental performance, but also has low operating costs, small footprint, and can operate continuously for a long time. It is widely used in industries that emit VOCs such as painting, printing, electronics, and chemical engineering.

2、 Characteristics of RTO exhaust combustion system:

1. Efficient purification RTO can efficiently remove over 99% of VOCs and other organic pollutants from exhaust gas, ensuring compliance with emission standards. The combustion temperature can reach 750-1000 ℃, ensuring complete oxidation and decomposition.

2. Thermal energy recovery adopts the principle of regenerative combustion, which recovers heat from the hot exhaust gas through multiple sets of high-temperature ceramic heat storage bodies, transferring the heat to the incoming fresh exhaust gas for preheating, thereby greatly improving thermal efficiency and saving energy.

3. Energy conservation, environmental protection, high thermal efficiency, and significant reduction in auxiliary fuel consumption. No need to add any chemical agents, only a small amount of CO2 and H2O are produced, which belongs to clean production.

4. Stable operation with fully automatic control and excellent continuous operation performance. Ceramic thermal storage has a long service life. Easy to maintain, it is possible to conduct separate maintenance on a certain group of thermal storage bodies.

5. Small footprint, compact overall layout, small footprint, especially suitable for installation in existing factory workshops with limited space.

6. Widely applicable for VOCs waste gas treatment in most industrial industries, such as painting, printing, electronics, chemical, pharmaceutical, etc.

7. Compared with other exhaust gas treatment technologies, RTO systems have lower operating costs and lower long-term operating expenses, making them an economical and practical VOCs treatment facility.

3、 Application of RTO exhaust combustion system:

1. Painting industry

The painting production lines for automobiles, aerospace, household appliances, wood products, and other industries emit a large amount of VOCs containing waste gas. RTO can efficiently remove organic solvents such as paint and diluents.

2. Printing industry

The various processes of printing and packaging, such as printing, laminating, and polishing, can generate VOCs waste gas, and RTO can effectively control these pollutants.

3. Electronic industry

During the manufacturing process of electronic components, cleaning, coating, and gluing can emit VOCs, and RTO can ensure compliance with emission standards.

4. Chemical industry

Organic waste gases from chemical production such as petrochemicals, rubber plastics, and pharmaceuticals require RTO treatment.

5. Pharmaceutical industry

The solvent volatile gases generated during drug synthesis, formulation, and other processes must be purified through RTO.

6. Food processing industry

The organic waste gas generated during the deep processing, baking, and seasoning production of food can be treated with RTO.

7. Coking industry

Coking waste gas contains various volatile organic compounds, and RTO is an effective treatment facility.

8. Laboratory University

The experimental waste gas from research institutions and other laboratories also needs to be purified by RTO.

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